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Public Scholarship

Peer-Reviewed Journals

  • 2024: The Feeling of Destiny: Taqdeer and 'voluntary' return in the everyday lives of irregularised Pakistani migrants. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. »Read here» (open access)

  • 2020: In Pursuit of Masculinity: On Aging Bodies, Migration and Youthful Masculinities. Journal of Bodies, Sexualities and Masculinities, Vol. 1, No. 2, 47-63. »Read here»

  • 2020: Inducing Return to Pakistan: 'Voluntary' Return Programs in Germany. The South Asianist Journal, Vol. 7, No. 1, 57-70. »Read here» (oa)


Books | Special Issues | Edited Volumes

  • In draft: Special Issue on Categories in Southern Migration (editing with Roger Norum). Proposal accepted (JEMS).

  • 2024: The Multi-Sided EthnographerLiving the Field Beyond Research. Bielefeld: Transcript. (edited with Tim Burger, Anna-Maria Walter and Pascale Schild). »Read here» (oa)


Book Chapters | Review Articles​

  • 2024: Qurb\ani: Nearness and Altruism as an Engaged Ethnographic Practice. In T. Burger, U. Mahar, P. Schild, and A-M. Walter (Eds.), The Multi-Sided Ethnographer: Living the Field beyond Research, 281-306. Bielefeld: Transcript. »Read here» â€‹(oa)

  • 2024: Introducing the Multi-Sided Ethnographer. (with A-M Walter, P. Schild and T. Burger). In T. Burger, U. Mahar, P. Schild, and A-M. Walter (Eds.), The Multi-Sided Ethnographer: Living the Field beyond Research, 15-36. Bielefeld: Transcript. »Read here» â€‹(oa)

  • 2023: Migratory Masculinities and Vulnerabilities: Temporality and Affect in the Lives of Irregularised Pakistani Men. In G. Stahl and Y. Zhao (Eds.), Migratory Men: Place, Transnationalism and Masculinities, 236-252. London: Routledge. »Read here» â€‹

  • 2022: Review of "The Stranger as my Guest: A Critical Anthropology of Hospitality" by Agier, Michel (2021). Social Anthropology, Vol. 30, No. 3, 163-165. »Read here»â€‹ (oa)

  • 2021: Review of "Big Capital in an Unequal World: The Micropolitics of Wealth in Pakistan" by Rosita Armytage (2020). Social Anthropology, Vol. 29, No. 1, 257-258. »Read here»â€‹ (oa)

  • 2020: The Management of Refugee Repatriation: How Voluntary are "Voluntary" Returns from Germany? In M. Makki, A. Azam, S. A. Akash, and F. Khan (Eds.), Forced Migration and Conflict-Induced Displacement: Impacts and Prospective Responses, 21-36. Islamabad: NUST Press. »Read here» â€‹(oa)


Public Scholarship (Selected [oa] Publications)

  • 2021: Österreich will Musa nicht. Hinterland Magazine, Issue 50: 69-72. (German translation of the Sapiens article below) »Read here»â€‹

  • 2021: When “Voluntary” Return Is Not a Real Option for Asylum-Seekers. Sapiens: Wenner-Gren Foundation Anthropology Magazine.  »Read here»â€‹

  • 2020: Interview titled "Die Idee der freiwilligen Rückkehr ad absurdum geführt.” Der Spiegel, edited by Maria Stöhr. »Read here»â€‹

  • 2020: Is the Pandemic a Chance to Challenge Global Inequality? Sapiens: Wenner-Gren Foundation Anthropology Magazine. »Read here»â€‹

  • 2020: Europa schießt scharf. Der Spiegel, Issue 20/2020, 78-81.  Open Access English version: The Killing of a Migrant at the Greek-Turkish Border. Spiegel Online (with Christides, G., Lüdke, S., & Popp, M. credited at the end of the piece). »Read here»

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