Scholarly Activities
& More
Workshops Organised | Conference Panels Convened
2024: 18th EASA Biennial, Barcelona
EASA2024 Doing and Undoing with Anthropology (Co-convenor)
Un/doing the De-exceptionalisation of Refugees and Migrants (P025)
2023: Bellevue for Future Conference, Munich
No Future? Migration policy in the context of the climate crisis
Workshop: The Flood in Pakistan and its Effects on Migration
2022: LMU, Munich
DFG Funded Workshop
Islam, Deportation and Return: Removal experiences of Muslim irregular migrants
2022: 17th EASA Biennial, Belfast
EASA2022 Transformation, Hope and the Commons (Multi-Panel Co-convenor)
Much is in a Name: Categorisations in migration policy and management (P081a) and (P081b)
Invited Talks | Paper Presentations | Roundtable Interventions
2024: University of Oulu
Keynote speech for the symposium "(Im)Mobile Entanglements: Places, Temporalities and Methods" (organised by Ebru Sevik, Saara Toukolehto, Bruno Lefort and Roger Norum)
Title of the keynote: On agency and de-exceptionalisation and other trends in migration research: Who’s de-exceptionalisation, for what?
2024: University of Munich
Guest speaker at Morgan Etzel's book presentation
The German Migration Integration Regime: Syrian Refugees, Bureaucracy, and Inclusion (Bristol University Press 2023)
2023: University of Liege
Workshop: Trusting the State? Law, Bureaucracies and Politics
Title of paper presented: State of Trust: Irregularised migrants in Europe (working title)
2023: IMISCOE Annual Conference [Migration and Inequalities], Warsaw
Roundtable 30: The migrant researcher? Reflections on academic selves, inequalities and epistemologies in migration studies
Roundtable 258: Migration and social mobility: Processes and dynamics in Africa, Asia and South America as
2022: LMU, Munich
Workshop: Islam, Deportation and Return: Removal Experiences of Muslim Irregularised Migrants
Title of Paper Presented: Human Borders: Challenging restrictive mobility through everyday Islam and destiny
2022: Swiss Graduate Program Anthropology (CUSO), Mürren
Workshop: Global Mobility Injustice: Affects and temporalities of deterrence, detention and deportation
Title of Keynote Contribution: Exceptional Times and the Exceptionalisation of Migrants: Debating refugee agency and the asylum regime (given together with Martin Sökefeld)
2021: DGSKA Conference [Seismographies of the Anthropocene], Bremen (virtual)
Panel: Covid-19 and Refugee Migration
Title of Paper Presented: Containment Geographies: Controlling contagions and foreigners
2021: LMU, Munich
Oberseminar (Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology Lecture Series)
Title of Talk: Neither Immigrant nor Refugee: The everyday life of affect in the deportation and return of Pakistani “economic migrants”
2021: University College Utrecht (virtual)
Guest Lecture for B.A. Students
Title of Lecture: Globalisation, Mobility and Ethnographic Research
2020: 16th EASA Biennial [New Anthropological Horizons in and Beyond Europe], Lisbon (virtual)
Panel: The Affective Economy of Deportation and Return (P073)
Title of Paper Presented: Return to Pakistan: Regaining agency through hope and fate upon deportation and "voluntary" return
2019: Punjab University and Migrant Resource Centre, Lahore
Conference: Migration from Pakistan: Facts, Avenues and Challenges (invited as a co-panellist with Philip Zehmisch)
2019: Centre for Peace and Security (NUST), Islamabad
Forced Migration and Prospective Responses
Title of Paper Presented: The Management of Refugee Repatriation: How voluntary are "voluntary" returns from Germany?
Public and Policy Scholarship
2021: IOM, Lahore
Voluntary Returnees as Messengers: Stories of Irregular Migration (panel discussion)
Discussing return with migrants, IOM, academics and local administration
2021: Bellevue di Monaco, Munich
"Can't relax in Pakistan" (panel discussion)
Bellevue di Monaco's "Can't relax" series
2020: Unser Veto, Augsburg
Erfahrungen abgeschobener und formell freiwilliger Rückkehrer (Experiences of Deportations and “Voluntary” Returns to Pakistan [presented together with Martin Sökefeld])
2020: Caritas, Augsburg (virtual)
Transnational Exchange IV: A European counselling perspective on region-specific return and reintegration
2020: Coming Home, Munich
Co-organised by Coming Home and GiZ
Title of talk: Can AVR be Made More Voluntary and Sustainable?
2020: Bellevue di Monaco, Munich
“Nationale Kraft-Anstrengung!” Macht Abschiebung Sinn? (“National Effort!” Do Deportations Make Sense?)
Workshops | Courses | Trainings Attended
2023: IMISCOE Annual Conference [Migration and Inequalities], Warsaw
Migration and Social Mobility: Processes and dynamics in Africa, Asia and South America
Workshop with Marta Erdal (PRIO)
2022: Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO), Oslo
Migration Theory: Perspectives on time and temporalities
PhD Course with Jørgen Carling and Marta Erdal (PRIO)
2021: University of Zurich (ISEK), Zurich (virtual)
Doing Ethnography during a Pandemic
Workshops with Edward Simpson, Andrew Dawson, Simone Dennis and Maitrayee Chaudhuri
2018: Heidelberg Centre for the Environment, Heidelberg
Momentum Novum: Sustainable Development in Action (SDiA) 2018
2017: Centre for Asian and Transcultural Studies, Heidelberg
Images of Age and Ageing (position in follow-up workshops in Delhi [2018] forfeited due to visa issues)
2017: Centre for Asian and Transcultural Studies, Heidelberg
New Directions in ‘Active Ageing‘ and ‘Age-friendly Culture‘ in India and Germany
2017: Der Kunst Der Welt, Cologne
The Extreme Centre